En-Pro Loading

Seniors Housing Corporation

This company has been in the business of providing premium retirement residences for more than 25 years and currently has more than 30 locations across Canada and is on a major expansion mode.

The Challenge

Due to amalgamations and massive expansion, there were inconsistencies in utility costs per resident between properties and many inconsistencies in utility rate application.

The Solution

It was determined that a forensic rate audit was necessary to determine which electricity supply options and rates would be most applicable to each location and account. After careful review of historical Ontario electricity invoices, it was determined that several residences were not receiving the correct residentially applied rebates and modifiers discounts. Further, many were not enrolled on the correct distribution rate.

After completing the audit and obtaining the required authorizations, En-Pro obtained the required rate application documents and completed them for submission to each applicable utility for review and action.

The Result

After contacting each utility, identifying the rate issues and providing the appropriate rate application documents, retroactive credits of $380,000 were applied.

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